At Fitness Chiropractic & Massage Therapy, our professionals have experience treating many common and not so common medical conditions that cause chronic and acute pain. We start by diagnosing your symptoms to find the root cause of your pain. Next, we design a custom treatment plan for your unique condition that will not only relieve your symptoms, but most importantly treat the cause of your pain. We combine the latest in chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, and sports injuries treatment to heal our patients. If you are suffering from any of these medical conditions then we have the perfect treatment plan for you.
Common Medical Conditions
Herniated Disk
Bulging Disk
Vertebral Subluxation
Migraine Headaches
Carpal Tunnel
Trigger Finger
Ribs Out of Place
Hip Bursitis
Knee Injuries
Flat Feet
Spinal Stenosis
Sports Injuries
Jumpers Knee
Tennis Elbow
Achilles Tendonitis
Plantar Fascittis
ACL and Knee Ligament Injuries
Frozen Shoulder
Golfers Elbow
If you are suffering from any of the medical conditions above we can help find you relief. You don’t have to live with pain or let immobility limit you. Our team of medical doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists and acupuncturists can build a custom treatment plan that will address your unique condition. We can help improve your quality of life and get you back to what you love doing most. Schedule an appointment today and get started on your road to a better quality of life.