McKenzie ExercisesIf you have acute or chronic neck and lower back pain, you can benefit from chiropractic treatment to reduce pain and improve mobility. As part of chiropractic treatment, Dr. JP will give you a mechanical diagnosis to evaluate your posture and movement. McKenzie exercises will be prescribed to improve posture and mobility if needed. The McKenzie method is designed to manage lumbar dysfunction and improve mobility.

Dr. JP will determine the correct exercise regimen and order depending on your unique condition. Before attempting any McKenzie exercises, check-in with your chiropractor to ensure that the exercise is safe for your condition. You might feel temporary back pain while doing the exercises. This is normal. Wait until the pain passes while doing each exercise before moving on to the next.

The long-term objective of the McKenzie Method is to prepare patients suffering from chronic or acute back or neck pain on how to manage their pain.


The McKenzie method is a treatment method for chronic or acute neck and back pain. These exercises are often prescribed by a chiropractor to help relieve pain and improve mobility but there are some exercises you can do on your own. Just be sure to take your time and move slowly. If anything doesn’t feel right or the exercises cause too much pain, make an appointment with your chiropractor in Huntington Beach